Booking Conditions

Minimum recommended rates for season 2025 are as follows:

  • English Language Prices from: Half day (4 hours) £220 / Full day (8 hours) £330 / Extra Hours £40 p.h.
  • Foreign Language, that is, language other than English.
    Prices from: Half day (4 hours) £255 /Full day (8 hours) £385/ Extra Hours £48 p.h.
  • Personal Driver Guiding, including car and fuel. Half day (4 hours) £400 Full day (8 hours) £700. A larger group in a larger vehicle (normal maximum is 8 passengers on these tours) may cost more. You should also check if a trip includes the driver’s lunch break. Overnight charges start at £150 per night
  • The prices here are for guidance only, it is important that you check with individual driver guides for confirmed prices.

There is no Booking Fee. All fees and conditions should be agreed in advance of the tour.

Convert any of the prices above into your own currency here.

Notes and Definitions:

  • General – The above are guidelines. Fees and conditions should be agreed with the guide in advance
  • Definitions – A half day is defined as four hours in the morning or four in the afternoon, so allowing the guide, in principle, to work two half days. A full day is normally eight hours.
  • Supplementary hours – On a full day lasting more than eight hours or a half day lasting more than four hours, a supplementary payment for each additional hour is normally due.
  • Cancellation – If a tour is cancelled with less than seven days notice, then 50% of the agreed fee is payable. The full fee is payable if less than 48 hours notice of cancellation is given. Different rules apply to extended tours for which at least 28 days notice is required to avoid a penalty.
  • Driver Guiding – The price of a driver/guide assumes a maximum of seven guests (unless agreed otherwise in advance) and includes the services of a properly insured driver/guide with car, also fuel, taxes and any ferries or bridge tolls. Entrance charges are not included.
  • Board and Lodging – Lunch or meal allowance should be discussed. An allowance for dinner, bed and breakfast where overnight stays are involved, is required. This is normally £150.
  • Travel expenses – A charge will normally be made for reasonable travel to the meeting place.